Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Join us for Holy Eucharist at noon on Wednesdays in Eastertide


“When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jewish authorities, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you" . . . “Receive the Holy Spirit”

Wednesdays in Eastertide ~ Holy Eucharist at noon

On Wednesdays in the Season of Easter, from now through May, we will have Holy Eucharist at noon outdoors (weather permitting) at St. Mary's. If weather does not cooperate, we will move into the Parish Hall for the service. Please join us for these services, and bring your lunch and we can eat together and visit after the short service. Join us, beginning tomorrow!

New Parish Directory coming soon - we need your photos!

If you have a photo of yourself for us to put into our Parish Directory, please email it to me revpetermcarey@gmail.com. I have many photos of most of you from many events at St. Mary's, but if there is a favorite that you have, do send it along - or mail it to the church if you don't have it digitally. I'm hoping to get these directories done very soon!

A few online offerings which look quite wonderful:

Rowan Williams reflects on the Resurrection ~ Today at 2pm

(and will stay on YouTube for later watching)

Jesus’ resurrection is at the very heart of Christianity. The Easter stories tell of him meeting with his disciples, women and men, teaching anew the great message of God’s transforming love, and also doing the most ordinary things: he and his disciples walk, talk, cook and eat together. But as Rowan Williams says in his new book, ‘the resurrection of the Lord is a beginning, not an end – an event which changes forever the landscape in which we live’. How can we live the story of the resurrection this Easter, in such a time of loss, uncertainly and suffering? 

Rowan Williams and Paula Gooder will be in conversation about the meaning of the story at the centre of our faith: what Jesus' resurrection means to how we live, how we pray, how we change the world, and how we die.

Rowan Williams is a poet, theologian, Honorary Professor of Contemporary Christian Thought at Cambridge University, the Chair of Christian Aid, and was the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury. His latest book is Candles in the Dark: Faith, Hope and Love in a Time of Pandemic (SPCK 2020).

Paula Gooder is the Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral and a leading Biblical scholar.  Her latest book is The Parables (Canterbury Press, 2020), in her Biblical Explorations series.


Living History: Journeying in God's Time - A Bread for the Journey Event with Canon Betsy Ivey

Thu, April 15, 2021 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EDT


Anti-Racism Workshops with the Diocese of Pennsylvania

Our next Anti-Racism workshop is April 24, from 9 am to noon.  Here is the Eventbrite link to register.


Also, visit the Racial Justice and Repair web page for upcoming trainings and a downloadable brochure on trainings to share with others. https://www.diopa.org/racialjustice

Eastertide blessings! 

The Rev. Peter M. Carey, Rector

St. Mary's Episcopal Church - Cathedral Road

