Tuesday, January 5, 2021

12th Night of Christmas Organ Music today! ~ Alexandre Guilmant- "Offertoire sur trois noëls"

 Twelfth "Night" of Christmas ~ 12 noon

Organ played by Jonathan Stark Alexandre Guilmant- "Offertoire sur trois noëls"
(Offertory on three carols)

The carols are "Chantons les louanges d'un Dieu plein d'amour" (Sing the praises of a loving God) heard in the soft music at the beginning; "Bergers prenons nos chalumeaux" (Shepherds, let us take our pipes) first heard at 1:48; and "Noël Flamand" (Flemish Noel, no other title given) first heard at 2:55. The picture at the beginning is "Twelfth Night Feast" painted by Jan Steen in 1662.