Sunday, June 2, 2019

2 June 2019

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Cathedral Road  

Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday After Ascension Day
June 2, 2019

Seventh Sunday of Easter!
Visitors and Newcomers! Thank you for worshipping with us.  Please join us for fellowship and refreshments at our Coffee Hour following the 10am service.    

We ask for God’s continuing blessings on all those celebrating birthdays  and anniversaries this month.
11 Muriel Anderson
12 Christopher Melnick
17 Harold Starr
18 Donald Hilsee
26 Helen Zartarian
27 Stephen & Helen Zartarian

The flowers are given in loving memory of Isaac Barclay Starr by Harold and Emily Starr.  

Serving Today
Liturgical Assistants : Valerie James & Diana Melnick
Readers: Jane Cassel & Carol Palmer
Prayers of the People: Diana Melnick
Altar Guild: Olivia Van Osten, Abby York

Remember to Wear Red! Next week is Pentecost! Remember to wear red!

Blessings on the Jaroma Family
and especially Vinny Jaroma who will be baptized today!

The Holy Eucharist

Hymn 460         Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Holy Baptism                                                                                             BCP 299

The First Lesson                                        Acts 16: 16-34  
Psalm 97
The Second Lesson                                                           Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21
The Gospel                                                                                                       John 17:20-26             

Holy Baptism
Baptismal Covenant     BCP 302

The Peace
Offertory Hymn 416         For the beauty of the Earth
Stanzas 1-3
The Great Thanksgiving
Eucharistic Prayer A                               BCP 361
Sanctus S129         Powell
Fraction Anthem 163         Powell

Communion Hymn 341                       For the bread which you have broken         

Post-Communion Prayer                                                                                            BCP 365

     Hymn 7  Christ whose glory fills the skies